The Advisory Committee on Transparency is excited to invite the public and advocacy organizations to speak directly to Congress about making our government more transparent. The January 28th event, entitled Kickstarting the 113th Congress,” will feature a diverse array of speakers giving short talks on concrete, actionable proposals to open up the government.

Individuals and organizations interested in participating should submit presentation proposals to by close of business on Thursday, January 10. Times slots are limited.

Talks will be modeled after Ignite Talks, an example of which you can watch here. Each speaker will have three minutes and 12 powerpoint slides to define the problem and propose a solution.

The presentations will take place on Capitol Hill, in the Rayburn House Office Building, room 2203. Afterward, speakers will be encouraged to mingle with and answer questions from the audience.

If you have any questions, or want to learn more, contact mrumsey (at)